Psychedelic Meat

Pedro passed running to the bathroom, his face livid and his hand covering his mouth. Lunch didn't go down well.
Vomiting sounds followed the slamming of the door.
A few seconds later, he felt something stirring in his own stomach and ran to the other bathroom, which was jusr down the hall. Halfway through the long room, he saw a silhouette in the background, next to his son's room.
One of the Kenocs, the aliens who were after his creation to return to his home planet, opened its long arms, blocking his way. Its yellow head split in two at the top and cast a heart-shaped shadow on the ground in front of it.
"For the last time, I don't have what you're looking for!" he tried to say but only managed to mumble something incomprehensible. He had told the truth from the beginning but the damn aliens wouldn't let go.
He tried again to express himself but this time he vomited the contents of his belly.
Kenoc let out a laugh that sounded more like a squeak and took a step towards him. He was now kneeling and without the strength to defend himself.
The alien stretched out his hand-like thing and he heard a SLRRRP sound, of something being sucked.
The puddle of his vomit had grabbed the Kenoc by the arm and made it disappear in two seconds. Its hue had changed to yellow due to the ingested content.
Placing itself on all fours, resembling a cat made of stomach matter, it ran to the bathroom and dove into the toilet.
Perplexed, he went back to the sofa and stared into nothing. A few seconds later, Pedro sat down beside him, wiping the sweat from his forehead.
Alda, his wife, entered the house at that moment and they both woke up from their psychedelic dream.
- The steaks in the fridge are looking weird. I think it's better to throw them away and stop by the butcher and buy some more...
Both friends, knowing they had eaten them for lunch, looked at her, unable to get a word out.
Had that been real?