A Vase Full of Lilies

- Go and work in the Infanti's house, she said. You'll like it, she said. - imitating his aunt's voice - Well, I'm not enjoying it at all. This is slavery.
He kicked a dry leaf onto the patio floor as he moved to the next flowerbed. As the new caretaker, one of his tasks was to water the flowers in the garden. Especially the lilies, by the entrance.
As the mistress had said, as she dressed the mink to go out, the lilies received the guests, even before people could.
Strange woman... - he thought
He had been crouching or on his knees all morning, digging and pruning, beneath the scorching summer sun. Sweat was running down his forehead and his t-shirt was wet as if it had been soaked in water.
When he reached the lily pad he breathed a sigh of relief.
- At least I'm on the last one. I think I can rest after that.
When he was done, he sat down on one of the edges of the flowerbed.
- The last but not the least, I hope, you quince...
The boy jumped to his feet and looked all around him for the voice.
- Down here where you were sitting.
- A.. a.. a vase that talks?!
- A vase? What vase, man? Where have you seen a vase talking?
He looked at the Lilies and one of them had a green leaf placed over its flower. He could almost swear it was shaking its petals, too.
- That's just rude...
- It is what it is. - Said the Lily - Try living a life without being able to leave the place and all the people who pass come close to sniff. With the nose. That's, like... in the face. Would you like to have faces all over you, all day long?
- No. Not at all. A lot of people smell from their mouths...
- See? Now you're thinking...
The flower rotated slightly to better catch the sunlight. The vase seemed to shudder a little.
- There's something I need to tell you before my monthly voice runs out. After which I will be just a flower again.
- You only talk once a month? - said the boy
- Yes, yes, but that's not what matters now.
- What is? Does your soil lack manure? We can work that out...
A fake laugh echoed from the vase.
- Very funny but you should really listen to what I have to say...
- Which is? - replied the boy leaning his head to the flower.
- The Baron Infanti killed his father and his sister to keep all the family fortune for himself... - confessed the Lily